
Arukay X

Our 100% online solution has more than 300 hours of educational content that allows students to understand the basis of different programming languages.

Our platform generates reports in real time which allow teachers to identify the areas where the students are having difficulties.


Our solution for educational institutions (Online Program Management) has a learning ecosystem based on 3 pillars: Teaching material, training for teachers, and grading management platform.

We have more than 300 hours of class for students from 1st grade until 12th grade and more than 40 hours of digital and in class training for teaching staff of educational institutions.


We have training modules for teachers where we perform training programs in skills such as: Design Thinking, Project based Learning, and XXI century skills.

We also offer training in the following programming languages: ScratchJr, Scratch, Minecraft Education Edition, App Inventor, Blockly, JavaScript, Python, HTML5, and CSS3.

We are here to help you!

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