Reto Kitten


Diviértete diseñando un documental de energías renovables.

Hello Programmer! Your challenge is to make a documentary in which you explain how renewable energies work in the most dynamic way possible.


  • Research and choose at least 3 renewable energies. These will be the ones you will implement in the project.
  • Create the scenarios and characters you need for the operation of each renewable energy.
    Tip: Position, hide or show the characters or scenarios depending on the sequence you have chosen. Support the events.
  • Choose your presenter. He will welcome you to the documentary and ask the user what type of energy he would like to go and observe to find out how it works. Depending on his answer, he will take the user to the indicated scenario.
  • The presenter or other character will use a text box to explain to the user the theory of how renewable energy works and then creatively demonstrate the process. Tip: the more eye-catching the simulation the better.
  • Do not forget to perform the simulation for each renewable energy you chose at the beginning.

Show creativity and surprise your colleagues with your simulation.



Remember that as soon as you have solved the challenge, you must send it to your teacher's email address: your teacher's email. Your qualification to the final will depend both on the correct answer and the speed of delivery.

Good luck!