Reto grado 4 y 5 – Minecraft Finales


Make a game with the following specifications in Minecraft Designer:
1. The characters will be sheep and Golems.
2. Every time a golem is spawned it will follow the main character and attack forever.
3.The character will aim to capture a sheep. Every time he captures a sheep he will increase the score by 5 points and the sheep will disappear.
4. During the night, creeper will be generated and will chase the player.
5. During the day, the creeper will wait for a short time and will explode.
6. During the day, two new sheep will be generated.
7. At the start of the game, sheep will be generated and will move away from the player.


Remember to send the link of your work to the following email : [email protected] with the subject: your name - school - course -FINAL minecraftcode

Best of luck!




Write a program in Minecraft Adventurer that makes a face with building blocks as shown in the following video.



Remember to send the link of your work to the following email : [email protected] with the subject: your name - school - course -classifier minecraftcode

Best of luck!