Grade 6 Challenge - Blockly Finals


Crea un programa que haga un control sobre inventario de frutas (Mínimo 3 variables) y asignales una cantidad en inventario, imprime el nombre de la fruta y la cantidad. El programa deberá comparar las cantidades y dibujar la fruta con mayor existencia.



Remember to send your work with the extension .cwc to the following email : [email protected] with subject: your name - school - course -final blockly

Best of luck!




Write a program in blockly where there is a variable called state, this variable will change value between "HAPPY" and "SAD" and depending on the value an emoji will be drawn showing the state of the variable.
TIP: Remember to use conditionals



Remember to send your work with the extension .cwc to the following email : [email protected] with the following subject: your name - school - course -classificatory blockly

Best of luck!